Sabtu, 12 April 2014

Kiluan Bay tour package

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Open Trip : May 2 until 4, 2014

Lampung Province began much ogled by residents of Jakarta and surrounding areas at the weekend for a vacation or other long holidays because lampung offers many places of natural beauty, especially the stunning beaches. Besides Pahawang who starting became famous in Lampung, there is also a bay known for dolphin sightings so many television programs that cover this place. Maybe you've started to hear the familiar name of this place, Kiluan Bay.

Kiluan Bay, a remote island located in Pekon ( village ) Kiluan State, District Kelumbayan, Tanggamus Lampung province is full of charm. Although remoted, not an obstacle for tourists visiting one of the mainstay attractions Lampung Province.

Kiluan famous nautical and tourist destinations will be developed into a tourist village . Objects featured in the territory of the State Kiluan Pekon ( Kiluan Rural Affairs ), District Lulumbayan, Tanggamus it very much. Kiluan Bay Tour package can be reached by land and sea.

We provide Kiluan Bay tour package with the following details.

*Meeting point at Merak port, 2 Days 1 Night Starts from 750.000 IDR/PAX

Spot to visit:

1. Legundi Island

Nemo Legundi Island

2. Umang-Umang Island

Umang-Umang island

3. Kiluan Bay

Kiluan Gulf

4. Coconut Island

Coconut Island

5. Kiluan Lagoon

Kiluan Lagoon

The Package includes:

1. Ship Ticket from Merak to the Bakauheni and back
2. Bakauheni Local Transport to the Canti's Pier and back
3. Traditional Home Stay capacity of 10-11 peoples.
4. Traditional Boat capacity of 30 peoples.
5. Eat 3x (Lunch, dinner, and breakfast)
6. Life jacket
7. Entry Permit and commision for Krakatoa Ranger
8. Local Guide
9. Underwater Documentation ( optional )

10. Snorkeling equipment
11. Rental boat to Coconut Island
12. Jukung (Traditional boat, 3-4 person) Rental Dolphin Tour

Package doesn't include:

- Transportation from the city of origin to the meeting point ( Merak )

Supplies to bring:

1. Bag Daypack / Kerir 40L
2. Clothes to change 2 or 3 pairs
3. Clothes for swimming
4. Personal medicines
5. Headlamp / flashlight
6. Digital camera, SLR, underwater camera (if you have one)
7. Snorkeling equipment (if you have one)
8. Sunblock at least 30SPF
9. Bath Equipments
10. Bottled drinking water
11. Jackets
12. Plugs / terminals ( this is the most important you should bring, since electricity is only turned on from 6 pm to 12 midnight :D )

Schedule of Events:

*Attention: You are expected to gather at the meeting point on 23:00 pm not later.

Day 1

24.00 - 02:00 : Gather at the Merak Port

Day 2

02:00 a.m. to 04:30 a.m. : Go to the Bakauheni Port
04:30 a.m. to 05:30 a.m. Arrived at bakauheni Port Bakauheni, then having a short break.
05:30 a.m. to 06:30 a.m. Go to the Canti Pier
06:30 a.m. to 07:30 a.m. Arrived at Canti Pier, Take a short break, and have a breakfast (own expense)
07:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. : Go To the Legundi Island (Taking photos along the beach, snorkling)
11:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. : Go to the Umang-umang Island (Taking pictures along the beach, snorkling)
02:00 p.m. to 03:00 p.m. : Go to the Coconut Island
03:00 p.m. to 03:30 p.m. : Break and check in guests.
03:30 p.m. to 05:30 p.m. : Snorkling at Coconut Island
05:30 p.m. to 06:30 p.m. : Sunset's Hunting
06.30 p.m. to 07:30 p.m. Back to the Homestay, take a shower.
07:30 p.m. to 09:00 p.m. : Dinner
09:00 p.m. - finish : Free time

Day 3

04:30 a.m. to 06:00 a.m. : Wake up
06:00 a.m. to 08:30 a.m. : Dolphin Hunting
08:30 a.m. to 09:00 a.m. : Breakfast
08:00 a.m. to 09:30 a.m. : Heading to Kiluan Lagoon
09:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. : Back to Homestay (lunch) & Packing
11:00 a.m. to 03:30 p.m. : Heading to Canti's Pier
03:30 p.m. to 04:30 p.m. : Heading to Bakauheuni
04:30 p.m. to 08:30 p.m. : Heading to Merak Port
08:30 p.m. - finish : Arrived at the Merak port and go home.

I'll see you at another event !

*Attention: The trip schedule is very much dependent on weather conditions and may make changes accordingly. Please bring camera, shoes, sun block / lotion, swim suit, towel and hat.

Terms and Conditions

1. Trip will be held when the participants reached 30 people. If the participants is under 30, there will be a price adjustment or the trip will be canceled .
2. you can't book without pay the down payment
3. If the Participants are late and missed the boat, the downpayment is automatically forfeited .
5. Our staff have a right to cancel the trip with certain considerations beyond the ability and the money will be refunded a 100 % of downpayment.
6. The schedule is might to change depending on weather events and natural weather conditions and traffics.
7 . No money refund for participants who cancel their participation .
8 . Participants deemed understand and agree on the terms mentioned above .


1 . Click Registration Form of Kiluan Bay Tour Package
2 . Fill-in your details on the Booking Form (include email address)
3 . Confirm your registration to +62838 2011 7990/ Blackberry pin 20f52771
4 . Transfer the downpayment (400,000 IDR/pax) to :
    - BCA account - 233 26 27 245 a/n RUBY PERKASA UNTUNG AWIE
    - BNI account - 01 766 48 188 a/n RUBI PERKASA
5 . your participation will be confirmed by email.

Thank you for joining indahnesia Tour and Travel . :)

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